The BQ-BAI Small Business Report aggregates US private and public company data on financials, employment and payroll. The BQ-BAI Small Business Report aggregates US private and public company data on financials, employment and payroll. The BQ-BAI Small Business Report aggregates US private and public company data on financials, employment and payroll. 


The BQ-BAI Small Business Report aggregates US private and public company data on financials, employment and payroll. The BQ-BAI Small Business Report aggregates US private and public company data on financials, employment and payroll. The BQ-BAI Small Business Report aggregates US private and public company data on financials, employment and payroll. 

BQ-BAI Alliance

Recognizing the importance of providing powerful data and analytics in business banking, BAI, a nonprofit independent organization that delivers the financial services industry’s most actionable insights, and BrightQuery (“BQ”), the leading experts in sourcing, organizing and analyzing government-filed company and employment data, announced a Strategic Alliance.

This collaboration will provide financial services leaders with the data and analytics they need so they have the clarity and confidence to make smart, strategic decisions for their organizations and the clients that they serve.

With their combined subject matter expertise and data, BAI and BQ will provide the industry with a unique and proprietary approach to building a profile of companies which gives banks up-to-date financial and employment insights on all public and private companies. This will give financial services organizations the ability to analyze, assess and strategize more efficiently and move their organizations forward.

BQ-BAI Small Business Report

Relevant Products

bq bai

BQ and BAI (Bank Administration Institute) have collaborated to provide economic reporting tools for the Banking industry.
Learn more about the alliance here

Small Business Report (standard)


The BQ-BAI Small Business Report helps drive deposits with factual, up-to-date market intelligence on small businesses in your markets of interest. The interactive online dashboard enables real-time filtering to track the local small business economy at the industry level. BQ is the sole provider of historical and current financials, employment and payroll data for both public and private U.S. companies, sourced from validated government filings.

Click here to learn more about the strategic alliance between BQ and BAI.

What Industries are growing the fastest in my local markets?

What small business Industries are adding headcount the fastest?

What types of startups, founded in the past two years are growing the fastest?

– Filters include –

  • Sector and Industry
  • Geography
  • Revenue and Employment Ranges
  • Company Age

Business Data Feed


All of the standard syndicated filters in the BQ-BAI Small Business Report can be customized for an additional fee. 

Customization of pages and filter settings can be set including:

  • Granular Sector/Industry Views
  • Granular Geography including CBSA, County, & Zip
  • Different Revenue bands set to your company needs
  • Sole Prop view will also be available later in 2022

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