
Derived from govt. filings, including IRS, Dept. of Labor, and over 100K federal, state, and local agencies​


360-degree view of the business, including firmographics, ownership, legal status, KYC checks, detailed financials, executives, contacts, branches / locations


All companies & owners in the U.S. tracked (74 million companies, 97 million legal entities, 229 million contacts, 64 million emails, 60 million phones)


Track the monthly employment & payroll of public companies

The Alternative Company Data Source

BrightQuery’s alternative monthly employment & payroll data includes 4000 public companies, which are essential to investment analysis.

For Quants

BQ provides unique and and most up-to-date public data fields with factors uncorrelated with market & fundamental factors. BQ unique Monthly Employment & Benefits Factors and Short Selling Signals including Delinquency in payments, downward trends in employment and restatements.

For fundamental analysis,

BQ provides proprietary ESG Social and Workforce fields which give timely insights into the company’s generosity with employee welfare & retirement. Tracking changes in generosity, which are not reported via SEC filings, can give critical insights into company direction, and create insights to challenge management.

Plus Private Company Data

Beyond the public markets, BQ is the sole provider of historical and current financials, employment and payroll data for over 40m private U.S. companies, sourced from validated government filings.

For Hedge Funds

BQ data allows you to understand the private markets just like you understand the public markets – which gives hedge-funds insights into regional and industry trends which were previously undiscoverable.

Use Cases

Financial & Employment Analysis

Solutions including Employment Trends, Occupational Employment, Credit Risk and more.

B2B Sales & Marketing

Solutions for Prospecting, Account Based Management (ABM), Sales Management, Market Segmentation and CRM Integration

Industry & Regional Analysis

Solutions including Macro Analysis, Market Sizing and Spatial Mapping.

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