Derived from govt. filings, including IRS, Dept. of Labor, and over 80K state and local agencies
360-degree view of the business, including firmographics, ownership, legal status, KYC checks, detailed financials, executives, contacts, branches / locations
All companies & owners in the U.S. tracked (74 million companies, 97 million legal entities, 229 million contacts, 64 million emails, 60 million phones)
Identify and qualify prospects based on their financials, monthly employment trends, quarterly growth patterns
✔ Target the Right Businesses with Precision
Filter prospects by industry, revenue, headcount, and growth signals for higher-quality lead generation and conversion.
Leverage accurate firmographics and executive contact data to personalize outreach and improve engagement.
✔ Boost Sales Intelligence with Competitive Insights
Compare company growth, hiring trends, and market positioning to identify high-potential customers and strategic opportunities.
✔ The Private Company Data Source
BrightQuery is the sole provider of historical and current financials, employment and payroll data for over 70m private U.S. companies, sourced from validated government filings.
✔ Seamless API & CRM Integration
Enrich customer databases with real-time business data for automated prospecting and smarter sales operations.