Derived from govt. filings, including IRS, Dept. of Labor, and over 80K state and local agencies
360-degree view of the business, including firmographics, ownership, legal status, KYC checks, detailed financials, executives, contacts, branches / locations
All companies & owners in the U.S. tracked (74 million companies, 97 million legal entities, 229 million contacts, 64 million emails, 60 million phones)
Procure accurate, historical, and timely company and industry data for servicing clients
The modern firm’s lifeblood is data. Data is what enables you to target ideal prospective clients, track industries and economies, discover and eliminate inefficiencies, and identify and mitigate risks — both within your own firm and for your clients. But what happens when your data is out-of-date, inaccurate or incomplete?
Timely & Accurate Aggregated Company Data
BQ offers accurate and complete company-specific and aggregated industry data that will help you identify your prospective client base, unearth synergies, and offer innovative due diligence and compliance solutions. By partnering with BQ, you will gain access to the most up-to-date and in-depth data on all private and public U.S. based companies — a dataset our competitors simply don’t provide.
Expand your reach. Expertly manage risk. Eliminate guesswork. Partner with BQ.