Derived from govt. filings, including IRS, Dept. of Labor, and over 80K state and local agencies
360-degree view of the business, including firmographics, ownership, legal status, KYC checks, detailed financials, executives, contacts, branches / locations
All companies & owners in the U.S. tracked (74 million companies, 97 million legal entities, 229 million contacts, 64 million emails, 60 million phones)
Discover the true revenue, headcount, and NAICS of your prospective & existing small business clients
✔ Accurate Business Identity & NAICS Classification
Instantly verify business legitimacy, legal name, EIN, and industry classification to ensure KYC, AML, and compliance requirements are met.
✔ True Revenue & Headcount for Risk Assessment
Go beyond self-reported data with verified financials, payroll trends, and workforce insights to assess creditworthiness, lending risk, and underwriting decisions.
✔ Enhanced Loan & Credit Decisioning
Integrate real-time business revenue, financial health, and risk signals into automated lending models, reducing defaults and improving risk-based pricing.
✔ BAI (Bank Administration Institute)
BAI has partnered with BQ to provide statistical industry and geographic data for their banking clients to understand where market potential for client acquisition exists. If you are a BAI member bank, please contact us to learn more about BQ-BAI products and services.
✔ Seamless API Integration for Fintech & Banks
BrightQuery’s APIs, Data Feeds, and Terminal provide instant access to structured business intelligence, streamlining onboarding, risk scoring, and transaction monitoring.