Derived from govt. filings, including IRS, Dept. of Labor, and over 100K federal, state, and local agencies​
360-degree view of the business, including firmographics, ownership, legal status, KYC checks, detailed financials, executives, contacts, branches / locations
All companies & owners in the U.S. tracked (74 million companies, 97 million legal entities, 229 million contacts, 64 million emails, 60 million phones)
Track the monthly employment & payroll of public companies
âś” Unparalleled Private Company Financials
Gain real-time access to revenue, profitability, payroll trends, and financial stability metrics for accurate private market valuations and investment screening.
Compare growth rates, industry trends, and corporate structures to identify outperformers, assess risk, and track market positioning with BQ Prospector & Terminal.
âś” AI-Powered Due Diligence & Portfolio Monitoring
Automate deep-dive financial analysis on potential acquisitions, startups, and private firms, ensuring informed decision-making for M&A, PE, and VC firms.
âś” Plus Private Company Data
Beyond the public markets, BQ is the sole provider of historical and current financials, employment and payroll data for over 70m private U.S. companies, sourced from validated government filings.
âś” Seamless API & Data Feeds for Investment Models
Integrate BrightQuery’s structured private company data into quant strategies, factor models, and risk assessments to gain an edge over traditional market data providers.